After learning japanese and chinese, korean has quite simply been the easiest language i've ever learned, due to the ~60% vocabulary similarity, and near 90% grammar similarity to japanese and chinese.. For me, a native japanese guy, learning chinese characters is just a piece of cake (except for their pronunciations), and the same could be said of chinese people who learn japanese. simplified chinese characters are slightly different from japanese kanji, but this is not a serious problem when learning.. Why japanese is easy to learn. most people get hung up over a few specific aspects of japanese while ignoring the nice and easy ones. when you look at japanese compared to other languages, there are a lot of things about japanese that are actually much easier. sounds. for one, japanese phonology (the sounds that make up the language) is really.
Nail art: zodiac signs

Japanese sign language and being deaf in japan
Draw a cartoon chinese dragon, step by step, drawing
Transcript: hi there, steve kaufmann here. i was asked to do a video, today in fact, about the differences between learning japanese and chinese.. How to learn japanese. in this article: article summary the basics guided instruction immersing yourself community q&a 5 references konnichiwa (こんにちは)! japanese is a great language to learn, whether you plan to use it to conduct business, absorb your favorite japanese media, such as manga, or to talk to a friend in japanese.. I want to tell the world that learning japanese is easy and fun. because that would be great and the world would like that, and then i could sell the world some secret method that i dreamed up and i’d be rich and the world would be happy. after learning how to speak chinese, when i came over to japan, i found getting around so much easier.
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